The outreach ministries of TPMC seek to bring the love of Jesus outside our walls. Based on the key verse Acts 1:8, we believe every believer is called and empowered by God to make an impact in different spheres of influence and to love One More, bless One More and make One More difference for the glory of God!
Contact Person: May at 85863878/
The Outreach and Social Concerns Ministry looks to the needs of the disadvantaged and underprivileged within the Church and in the community. We seek to express God’s love and concern for society through our outreach programmes and activities.
1) Helping the Poor and Needy
The ministry provides practical help to needy families in the community, and our own members. Practical assistance includes financial assistance, tuition, and temporary shelter for the homeless.
2) Community Blessing Events
Every year, the ministry will organise outreach events to bless the community. In partnership with different welfare organisations, we go out and bless families through events such as The Giving Methodist, Kilos of Love, Blessing the Community, Blood Drive, and Study Awards for Primary and Secondary students.
3) Rough Sleepers Ministry
Every 1st and 3rd Friday, a team of volunteers (our Rough Sleeper Buddies) goes out to Toa Payoh Central for Night Missions to reach out to, and befriend, rough sleepers. Our objective is to reach out to the homeless in Toa Payoh through befriending and helping them find a place to have safe and sound sleep. This activity happens from 10.30pm to 12.30am.
The Church also has a temporary shelter (S3P) for the homeless. Accommodation is based on availability of space.
4) Beacon Children’s Ministry
This Ministry seeks to meet the needs of the community by helping children in their academic studies. Every Saturday, volunteers will coach children, aged between 10 and 12 years old, in their studies (English and Maths) from 1 to 3 pm. This tuition programme is free.

Contact Person: Audrey at 98424502/
We express and extend care and support beyond TPMC by crossing geographical, cultural or language boundaries to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in the countries where God leads us to fulfil the Great Commission.
Our key missions activities include evangelising, equipping and nurturing new believers, making disciples through sharing and teaching from the Bible, working with the local church to show God’s love to the local community in real and practical ways to bring about social and holistic transformation in the communities.
Our strategy begins with connecting the lost to the gospel, building relationships with the local communities, discipling the believers as they grow in their Christian faith, equipping and growing leaders in the local church so they will be able to continue the work of outreach in their own communities.
Every TPMC worshipper is encouraged to be involved in missions by going on an overseas missions trip, praying for the work of missions and our missionaries, and giving to support the work of missions.
There are many opportunities to go, give and pray, in the missions fields where God has allowed us to be involved. Throughout the year, we have trips where you can get to know the work in the missions fields, so you will know how to continue praying for and supporting them when you are back home in Singapore.
Here are the trips for 2025.
Witness & Evangelism
Contact Person: Eunice at 9786 4641/
The Witness and Evangelism ministry (W&E) provides platforms for us to share God’s love, in word and deed, to non-Christians on a corporate level. W&E also provides equipping opportunities to prepare us to be effective witnesses wherever, and whenever.
Join us as we reach out to pre-believers through our various platforms, and let them experience God’s love through us.
1. Alpha. Help create a safe space for pre-believers & new Christians to explore Christianity without judgement.
Facilitators: If you’ve ever had questions but felt too shy to ask, you’ll know how important it is to have a safe space and listening ear for our Alpha guests! We may not have all the answers, but we are here to let our guests air their questions and doubts and hear other opinions. We also want to help them build a community where they can belong within the church.
Administrative: Our hospitality to our guests includes allowing them to experience the smooth running of Alpha course. From ensuring they have sufficient food during the lunch fellowship, to making sure the Worship Hall is set-up for them to be able to have small group sharings comfortably – our administrative volunteers help to ensure that our guests get a taste of God’s love through our hospitality.
2. Block Blessing Befriender. Get to know the people in our community on a personal basis and befriend them.
How many times have we walked through our Toa Payoh neighbourhood without knowing the people around us? Join us in getting to know our neighbours in Blk 152, 153 & 154, and share God’s love and care with them. As you get to hear their stories and lives, you’ll also see God’s heart and love for each individual. Let us bless them, not just materially, but with the Good News of Christ, extend an invite to our church and find a community of love they can belong to, and in time, come to believe in the transformative power of Christ.
We will visit our residents in January, May, August, and December.
3. Gardening Ministry. Plant seeds in our church garden and in the lives of others.
Allow others to experience the wonders of God’s creation through our care and love for the church garden. Our church gardening ministry is also open to the community to come and sink their roots into our church community.
4. Ukulele Ministry. Platform through which we can befriend pre-believers while learning a new skill.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord together with our ukulele ministry. Get to know our ukulele members, many of whom are unchurched, or pre-believing, and see how we can love them where God has placed them!
Please note that you will need to know the basics of ukulele playing. If you are interested to teach a class for our ukulele ministry members and their friends, please contact the staff-in-charge.