Many of us know God is real because we have seen Him working in our lives. We have seen Him healing us, bringing our loved ones to Him, carrying us through difficult periods in life, or making things happen that just cannot be explained except to say: “This is God at work”.

These God-moments bring us to our knees to praise and exalt Him with a thousand hallelujahs because He works in such wondrous and amazing ways.

Let us share these experiences to encourage one another, and to let everyone know that God is real and he is working in our lives.


  • click on the “+” icon to add a new story
  • please leave your name and email/contact number in your submission so TPMC can contact you in case of any queries
  • submissions will not be public, so your details will not be disclosed
  • all submissions will be sent to the church website administrator first, and will be put up only after approval (without your name and contact details)